About Us

A Full-service Web / App Development Company
SoniTechno - Welcome to IT Solutions


We are a team of dedicated personnel who strive to help your business with branding and advertisement. We have an expert team of designers who can also assist you with web designing and development. On the flipside, we also have certain Travel services and API's with the help of which we can guarantee you that you would spend a gala time with your loved ones. We offer services like Recharge Software API.

Additionally, we can also help you with your bill payments and DTH recharges. If you are a new company in the market, then we also have the required expertise to design your logo for your new enterprise.

  • Our experts bring the utmost service with perfection to clients
  • A Finishing touch to each project after completion
  • Proper analysis of the market trends
  • Talented & experienced management solutions for IT
  • Processes of achieving the excellence and continue improvements
  • Maximum Outcome at least amount of Time
  • Competently handle every project
  • Constantly use most up-to-date technologies

SoniTechno IT Solutions will get you on the move towards your goals.

About IT Solutions


We have been in this environment for more than 9+ years, so we have easily understand your all kind of requirements. We can quickly make it for you. About 50% of our Clients are startup owners − we know how to collaborate and deliver in time.


Our streamlined work processes and more than 1000+ accomplished projects allow us to offer businesses value with flexibility and reliability. We know that you require effective communication and well-timed delivery − and we offer them as well.


We treasure the advantages and success brought to the Client by the software we build. We are committed to our responsibilities as a software development company.


Our experts can advise you on technology aspects, development, testing and quality assurance, project management, UI design, and generally on getting things done. If you employ us to develop your software product, you receive consulting services free of charge.

High Quality

Our all clients know the quality of our products , hence, they are sticking with us for some years now.You don’t have to think about making an app or online portal, we will do it for you; all you need to do is dial us up, and convey us how you would like to get your project done.

Core Values and Missions

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Read The Testimonials

What Clients Says About Us

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